
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Run Season Recap

With the finale of the NMTC fall trail season this past weekend, my running season for 2011 has essentially come to an end.  I may get another holiday 5k in, but nothing planned right now.  When the year started, my "A" run races were the Garry Bjorklund half marathon and if I got in, the Twin Cities 10 miler.  I also planned on running as many of the NMTC events as I could.

Spring NMTC/Garry Bjorklund Prep

Early this year I was focusing on running often.  In fact I was running 5-6 times per week.  My plan was to build up the consistency of my running to see how this worked out.  This worked out well as the spring NMTC series rolled in.  I managed to make it out for all of the events but was not as fast running as I felt I should have been.  I was focusing more on preparation for the Garry Bjorklund so I was not too concerned.

Garry Bjorklund Race Day

As the race approached, I was feeling pretty good about my prep.  I felt I might be able to get a PR if I raced well.  Race morning dawned and it was questionable weather.  It was raining and windy.  At least the wind was coming from the northeast.  Standing around at the start line we were all getting wet and it was cold with the wind off the lake. 

Once we got running, the rain stopped and we were able to take full advantage of the tailwind.  I was keeping a good pace and came through the 10 mile mark in 1:11:XX which was a PR for that distance for me.  I was able to finish with a 1:33:49 which was a more than 1:00 minute for me. 

The race ended up being a great race with a combination of good fitness coupled with good race weather for a PR.  If I want to break that time I will be hard pressed to do so.

Summer Running

As summer set in, I focused on hitting solid races at my multisport events.  As far as running goes, I hit some really good times, and some that were less than stellar.  Apple Duathlon and the Moose Lake Triathlon had pretty good run splits. 

I also jumped into the Park Point 5 Miler during the summer.  I was not really focusing in any way on this race and even got out to the point early and got in 16 miles of intervals on my bike prior to the Friday evening run.  I ended up having a pretty solid race and knocking out a PR of 33:49. 

Another summer run that was found was the Bay to Bay trail race on the Superior Hiking Trail from Silver Bay to Beaver Bay.  This was a very challenging 10k trail race.  I had a great time running the race and even won the $50 door prize after the race.

Prep for 10 Miler

Later in the summer I started my prep for the Twin Cities 10 miler.  I was still running consistently and hitting really good mileage (for me).  I was averaging over 100 miles per month so far this year.  As race day approached I did a couple specific workouts I have tried in the past that I liked and did not hit them like I was hoping to.  I was a little concerned that I might have been a little less prepared for the 10 miler this year. 

I had thought my running was setting me up for a chance at a PR, but I was getting a little concerned.  Once race day hit, I figured it was worth going for the PR anyway.  I figured if I ran a smart race I had a chance.  In the end I was able to pull out a great PR for myself of 1:09:56. 

Fall Trail Running

For the fall trail running season I really wanted to make it out to all of the races so I could see all of the courses; especially the power lines.  I was able to make it out every week.  The start of the season went well, but after the TC 10 miler, I think I really lost my drive to race.  I still enjoyed the remainder of the races, but was not knocking out times like I was hoping for. 

Season Summary

All in all I had a great year running.  At my two "A" races I knocked out solid PR's.  I also had a PR at the 5 mile distance.  So three PR's in one season.  I doubt I will ever do that again.

For the rest of 2011 I will be just running when I feel like it.  For the first time ever I have run more than 1000 miles in a year.  As I look forward to 2012, maybe I will shoot for 1200...  Already I have the Garry Bjorklund lined up for next season.  I think I will have to find a couple of new races for next year too.

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